Much has been said about haragei, the “one point” (itten) in the lower abdomen. It is located below the navel about 3 inches (CV-4). In Asian thought the belief is that man’s soul resides in the seika tanden (lower abdomen) at this point. This point is the physical center of the body: the center of gravity. In
Japanese haragei is related to intuition. Much like in Western thought when we say we have a “gut feeling”. To maintain the “one point” is essential to all martial arts. One must move with the one point, maintaining balance, while moving the opponent off his one point.
Keeping this in mind we move to kokyu chikara (breath power). Kokyu chikara cannot be achieved correctly without haragei. Kokyu chikara requires that one breathe deeply from the diaphragm in a relaxed manner. The Chinese refer to haragei and kokyu chikara as “sinking the chi“‘. At first this requires conscious effort, but later it becomes natural. As one applies a technique, the focus on the lower abdomen and the breath become one. While there should be some tension
in the lower abdomen, the overall effect is one of relaxation, not rigidity.
Next kime or spiritual focus directs the energy into “focused life force”. Some would characterize this concept as “one intention, one direction” such as you would use in an attack, punch, kick, throw, etc. The “spirit shout” or kiai is beneficial in developing kime. However one must be in a state of mushin: “no mind”, for this to be fully effective. This means that your mind must not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, but like a still pond capturing every movement, thought, or action of the opponent (or patient). Seeing (feeling) the opportunity (opening) you can respond spontaneously and intuitively with kime in your thought, movement, and action. The result is a powerful, effective response whether in self defense or healing. While all martial arts in general will help you with these, an internal art like Tai Chi Ch’uan combined with prayer is most beneficial.
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” Gen 2:7
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Prov 18:21
“…all the people shall shout with a great shout, then the wall of city will fall down flat.” Joshua 6:5
“He who believes in Me, the works that I do will he do also; and greater works than these…” John 14:12
Prof. Edwards